As Educators, in the tradition of Mary Aikenhead, we find our meaning and inspiration in Christ the Teacher who sends us as HE was sent to enter into the struggle of our times in our mission of Education.

In this work of Education, we find our unity in Jesus Christ and in the common values that flow from our commitment to HIM.
We affirm that the richness of our schools lies in each student, each teacher, each parent, in each person who contributes in whatever way to the life and work of the school and the community.

We further affirm the gift of each as a person touched and called by God.

We affirm and reverence our past, enriched by the creative struggle and faith of Irish Educators through the centuries a past truly rooted in the inspiration and vision of our Foundress a past that leads us on hope-filled into the future, free to let go and prepared to risk and change so that we continue to share in the creative work of God.

We rejoice in the parents who in faith entrust their children to us. We rejoice in our co-workers who, together with these parents, share with us the value and vision of a ministry to a defective yet Blessed humanity – a ministry that has a hundred faces and is exercised in as many places.

Urged on by the Charity of Christ and encouraged by the inspiration of the parents and co-workers, our hearts open to all without distinction- we move to make our schools places of hospitality where there is time to be for God, for others, for self, for those for whom our world has little time.

We do not lose heart in view of our past and sometimes daunting task, knowing that we are upheld by the faithful power of Almighty God. We encourage our Students not to place hope in materialistic values, but to recognize that their worth as persons transcend employment and unemployment. Health and sickness, poverty and health and that they themselves can be hope-filled people in a world of despair, hunger and need.

We endorse an understanding of management rooted in Gospel values, and we believe that today we have a responsibility to educate for a life of Christian commitment to give leadership in a pluralistic society to help provide an environment that promotes the well-being of every person at the level of the school, home, parish, to respond to new needs as they emerge to use our qualities of intuition: –

  • Creative
  • Sensibility
  • Compassion
  • Justice and love
  • As co-creators of reconciliation in our changing world

Our Ministry of teaching and building anew situates us at the heart of God whose SON enables us to walk with courage into the future, prepared to risk our hope in Christ and in the power of HIS Love.